Welcome to the Modern Beta store!

Here you can support the server by sending a donation which gives you the [Donator] rank forever or subscribing to the Premium rank (monthly) which allows you to skip the join queue line when the server is full. We appreciate your support and are happy that you're enjoying the server enough to consider supporting <3

Modern Beta will always remain live as long as the community collectively meet the monthly donation goal.
The monthly donation goal goes towards:

  • Minecraft server hosting
  • DDOS protection proxy server hosting
  • Domain registrations

Any donation given after the goal is met goes towards supporting the owner and admins.

[Whale] Rank
At the end of every month, whoever is currently the top supporter as seen on this page will be given the [Whale] rank forever, essentially giving the premium benefits for life! <3

Send Tips!
Any Amount
Priority Join Queue!
Premium Rank
Monthly Top Supporter [Whale] rank

202.56 USD
Latest Donations! <3

1x Donation

1x Premium Rank

1x Donation

1x Donation